How to Prepare your AC for Spring
As winter comes to a close, it’s a perfect time to do some basic maintenance on your AC system before the temperatures start to really heat up. The last thing you want is for a heat wave to come in before you find out that your system has been damaged by the effects of ultra-low temperatures and isn’t running properly. The good news is that with just a few simple checks you can ensure your system is working in proper order and will keep you cool during the summer months. Here are some tips to follow:
Check and Repair Pipe Insulation
If your system’s suction pipe insulation has gone bad, you could have reduced cooling as well as a larger energy output. You should check your pipe’s insulation and replace it before starting the unit.
Remove Condenser Covers
Depending on where you live, you may have covered your unit to help protect it during the winter. While this is a fine precaution, you shouldn’t start your system again without first removing these covers. Failure to remove condenser covers could risk severely damaging your unit.
Inspect Outdoor Panels
The outdoor unit panels are designed to protect your electrical connections as well as yourself. If a panel has been blown off by wind, you should replace it before you operate the equipment to help avoid any unnecessary injuries.
As always, if you aren’t sure how to fix or maintain a certain part of your AC system, it’s always best to contact a professional. For more tips on AC maintenance, call Heald Mechanical in Sacramento at 916-972-7276.